货号 No.40在承德,价格:¥48.00,黄金芽,明前,安吉珍品,2020新茶黄金芽茶叶 50g 散装,绿茶春茶,赠送精美礼盒

明前头采黄金芽 嫩黄明亮,芽头肥硕,茶香鲜爽回甘,叶底柔软鲜嫩,芽叶舒展,黄润有光泽,赠送精美礼盒装,全国包邮到家! The golden buds are yellow and bright, the buds are fat and plump, the tea is fresh and sweet, the leaves are soft and tender, the buds and leaves stretch, and yellow and shiny. You can get them in a beautiful gift box and send them to your home all over the country!
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